Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things to Consider When Planning a Destination Wedding

RESEARCH - You must first determine the location of where you would like to host your destination wedding. It is important to do as much research as possible to determine the location that will best suit your overall needs and budget. Enlist the help of a destination wedding planner ot travel agent, specializing in destination weddings to assist you though this process.

BUDGET - This is the most important thing to consider when planning your destination wedding. Depending on the numbers of guests attending; you must consider travel costs, accomodation and what portion of the wedding you and your fiance will be paying for. [Rules of etiquette state that the couple should be paying for all members of the wedding party when choosing a destination for your wedding nuptials]

TIME OF YEAR - Just because you choose a tropical location doesn't mean that the weather will be perfect for your wedding date. You must take into consideration hurricaine season, as well as "off-season" for resorts as they may have less staff to serve customers.

RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS: Depending on the country that you choose for your wedding nuptials, there may be certain residency requirements that you must meet. For example, In Jamaica... you must be on the island for a minimum of 48 hours before your wedding ceremony.

VALIDITY OF MARRIAGE IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY: The validity of your marriage is dependant upon the laws of the country where the marriage is performed. It is your responsibility to ensure you do your research ahead of time to determine whether you are responsible for submitting paperwork to the governing body of your country. You may also be responsible for translating the documents to the language of your country.

PROXIMITY TO THE AIRPORT: It is very important to research your location thoroughly. Some resorts may be up to 4 or more hours away from the airport which can be difficult for your guests as they may be travelling with children or elders with mobility issues.

LANGUAGE BARRIERS & DOCUMENT TRANSLATIONS: In some cases, depending on the country you choose to host your wedding, the wedding ceremony will be spoken in the language of the country as well as the documentation you will be signing. You need to be aware that you may not understand the language spoken at your wedding ceremony.

REQUIRED VACCINATIONS & BLOOD TESTS / X-RAYS: Depending on the country, blood tests and x-rays may be required to issue a marriage certificate. In Mexico for example, the bride is also required to take a pregnancy test.

ALLOW YOUR GUESTS ENOUGH NOTICE TO ATTEND: When inviting guests to your destination wedding, ensure that you provide enough notice for them to take time off of work, prepare a budget for the trip as well as enough time to prepare passports and visas that may be required for travel.

FIND OUT WHAT IS INCLUDED: Many resorts will offer all-inclusive options for you and your wedding guests. This is a great way to ensre your guests can plan ahead with their budget. You will also want to inquire what wedding packages they have available on-site instead of having to contact individual vendors for all aspects of your wedding planning.

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